SEC Technical Report Summary Miguel Burnier Mine

Project Description

The Miguel Burnier complex is situated within the Miguel Burnier district, which is part of the municipality of Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais state, in the southeastern part of Brazil. 

The Miguel Burnier mine is an open pit iron ore operation wholly owned by Gerdau. Active mining of iron began in 2007.

In 2023 SRK prepared as a PFS-level Technical Report Summary in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) S-K regulations for the expansion of the existing operation to exploit the itabirite portion of the deposit. This expansion will require the installation of a new mineral processing facility, installation of dry stack facilities to deposit the tailings from this new processing facility and the expansion of the open pit operation, including the pits and he waste dumps.

This technical report summarizes this expansion of operations and details how Gerdau and SRK estimated the mineral resources and mineral reserves to support this planned expansion into the deposit’s itabirite portion.